• Sweetheart


      A Mother’s Day special hand-tied bouquet of vibrant greens and pinks including roses, viburnum, lisianthus and complementing seasonal foliage. Premium is as shown, vase is not included.

    • Well-Nested


      A rustic arrangement in a wooden glass vase including towering blossom twigs and craspedia on a bed of moss, spray roses, cala lilies, tulips and seasonal foliage.

    • Spring Awakening


      A delightful spring arrangement in a ceramic pale pink three footed pot including towering magnolia branches, daffodil, muscari and hyacinth bulbs on a mossy bed of roses and complementing seasonal foliage.

    • Ocean Breeze


      A stunning front facing arrangement in a turquoise textured ceramic pot including aquatic hues of blue, purple, and pastels including flowers such as delphiniums, roses, lisianthus, cymbidium orchid and seasonal foliage.

    • Hansel and Gretel


      A long-lasting nordic style whimsical display on a square tray of preserved moss including a wooden mushroom, a succulent and a mixture of miniature natural adornments. The frosted pine tree and m0ss should be watered sparingly to last through the festive season. In addition, there are battery operated lights to…

    • Candle in the Wind- White


      A compact table arrangement on a rustic wooden tray with taper candles including seasonal foliages, frosted twigs, pines cones, zesty dried citrus,  cymbidium orchid, and white avalanche roses. Tray measures 12 inches.

    • Memory Lane


      This garden-inspired arrangement includes climbing clematis on a decorative trellis of pussy willow. Along with summer alliums, fragrant dill and spray roses embedded in moss. This creation comes in an iridescent pearlised pot and the trellis stands approximately 2ft tall.

    • Charmed


      A vibrant hand-tied bouquet in deep purples and zingy limes including viburnum, calas, roses and other complementing garden choice flowers presented in a smoky cubed glass vase.

    • Lilac Love


      A hand-tied bouquet in pastel hues of pinks and lilacs including large-headed garden roses, lisianthus, spray roses and soft scented seasonal foliage presented  in a moulded tulip shaped ceramic vase.

    • Sunrise


      An uplifting tall arrangement comprised of long lasting ornithogalums, bells of Ireland, craspedia and blossom twigs atop a bed of spray roses, orchids and spring-like foliage in a ceramic bowl.

    • Northern Lights


      A classic choice corsage A simple white rose paired with seasonal white flowers and complementing foliages for a classic corsage, ready to wear. Floral Haven deliver fresh corsages all over Glasgow.

    • LemonBalm


      Sweet lemons and scented foliage A sweet, petite wrist corsage of lemony flowers and scented foliages arranged on pale lemon ribbon. Seasonal flowers may vary from those shown. Floral Haven deliver fresh corsages and buttonholes all over Glasgow.

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